Friday, April 22, 2011

More Political trivia

This is installment # 2 of our political trivia game! To my complete and total shock, someone actually got nine of ten right last time. So, we'll be ramping it up a bit!! Good luck!

1. During the 1952 Presidential campaign, Richard Nixon gave a face-saving speech addressing some (alleged) improprieties. One of said improprieties was his having improperly accepted a gift (a puppy for his daughters) ... the media ultimately named the speech after the dog, what was the dog's name?

2. Name the American hero who leaked the "Pentagon Papers" to the New York Times? (Hint, he is my Facebook friend.)

3. What was President Ford's name at birth?

4. What Supreme Court Justice played professional football while attending Yale Law School?

5. What was the answer to #4's nickname as a football player?

6. Who is the only man in history to both throw a perfect game in Major League Baseball and serve in the U.S. Senate?

7. In 1981, Sandra Day O'Connor became the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court - name her predecessor.

8. In 1989, the U.S. Senate rejected one of its' own former members who had been nominated as Secretary of Defense by George H.W. Bush - name the Senator AND two reasons why they rejected him.

9. Which U.S. Representative served the longest CONTINUOUS term as Speaker of the House?

10. Which Vice President told a U.S. Senate to "Go f--- yourself" on the Senate floor?

Grading Scale

9 - 10: Genius!

7 - 8: Brilliance!

5 - 6: Better than average!

3 - 4: Work on it, but you're getting there!

1 - 2: Hit the books!

0: Why are you torturing yourself?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Modern Political trivia

Recently, a Facebook friend suggested that I come up with political trivia questions for my little group of friends. Having won many such contests myself, I said to myself: "Who better?" The questions below are not easy, and I will give anyone who can answer them (without the assistance of Google or Wikipedia) serious props! Just for fun, some of the answers are clues to proceeding answers! (Before you ask - Yes, I do know the answers without assistance!) You can leave your answers in a comment; best of luck and you can look for me to do this periodically!


9 - 10: I'm very impressed!
7 - 8: Still impressive, but work on it!
4 - 6: Not bad.
2 - 3: Crack open an encyclopedia.
1: Lightweight

1. In 1964, then Sen. Ted Kennedy broke his back in a plane crash. Which other U.S. Senator was flying in the plane with him?

2. The answer to question number 1 was the father of which future U.S. Senator?

3. Which future Vice President showed the answer to number 1 the door? What year?

4. Where did LBJ attend college?

5. Who are the only sitting Governors to lack a 4-year college degree?

6. Which President's original last name was Blythe?

7. Who was the youngest man to ever serve as President?

8. What were Robert Kennedy's last known words?

9. What was the name of FDR's dog?

10. What Supreme Court Justice served the longest on the bench?